Język angielski na mapach

Tytuły map geograficznych

world map
  • Australia - landscapes and biomes

Map shows biomes and landscapes Australia. It includes also physical features in shaded relief, administrative divisions and major cities.

  • Australia physical

Map of Australia shows continent's physical features in shaded relief. It includes major lakes, rivers, elevation points, islands, oceans, seas, gulfs, reefs and ocean currents.

  • Australia political

Political map showing Australia and surrounding countries, states and territories, boundaries, capitals, major cities, main roads, major airports and seaports.

  • Europe - landscapes and biomes

A map showing the diversity of European landscapes and biomes. Additional interactive elements show examples of all types of landscapes and climographs of selected places.

  • Europe physical

This map of Europe shows the continent's physical features in shaded relief. It includes major lakes, rivers, elevation points, islands, oceans, seas, gulfs, reefs and ocean currents.

  • Europe political

Map shows the most current political division of Europe in shaded relief. It includes countries, dependent territories, boundaries, capitals, major cities, airports and seaports.

  • European Union and the Schengen Area

The map shows the current state of the European Union and the Schengen Area, as well other important European alliances and international organizations. The map contains the most up-to-date information concerning administrative division, nomenclature and demographic data.

  • North and Central America - landscapes and biomes

A map centered on the landscapes typical of North America, as well as the continent's geographic elements. The interactive elements include examples and information on each biome and a net of climographs.

  • North and Central America physical

A map showing the topographical relief and geographical features of North America, its drainage systems, mountain peaks, sea currents, and the boundaries between oceans and continents.

  • North and Central America political

Political division of North and Central America: countries, their borders and capitals, major cities and regions. It presents as well the administrative division of Canada and the United States of America.

  • The World political

The most up-to-date political map of the world showing countries, dependencies, boundaries, capitals, major cities, airports and seaports.